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Hiset Essay Question Samples
Friday, August 28, 2020
Mediated Argument for Abortion Essay
Our sexual society has changed so much that numerous high school and unwed moms have gone to premature birth as another option. As I have developed from being an adolescent to a youthful grown-up I have experienced various pregnant youngsters who have had no idea about whether to have a premature birth or keep the child. A large number of them have been youthful and aren’t intellectually, inwardly, or monetarily stable to take on that sort of obligation. I chose to examine the matter of premature birth since I don’t think numerous young ladies know a lot about the subject. Initially, what is premature birth? A premature birth is a system, either careful or clinical, to end a pregnancy by expelling the baby and placenta from the uterus. (Wellbeing Scout) Many individuals accept that the methodology is shameless and harms humankind in general. Others then again feel that it ensures women’s rights and that it is biased to prohibit fetus removal. I intend to talk abo ut the current issue by similarly introducing the two sides of the issue and looking at the advantages and disadvantages of premature birth. While investigating the subject of premature birth you should initially come to acknowledge what is becoming within the mother and recognize whether it is viewed as an actual existence. The principle question that represents a contention is that whether the hatchling is viewed as an individual before it is completely evolved while it’s still in the belly. It has been discovered that the sperm treats the eggs with twelve hours and eventually becomes what they call the â€Å"zygote†containing all the chromosomes expected to make another â€Å"human life.†(Abortion) Many contend, that since the baby is a â€Å"potential person†and has not completely grown at this point, it ought not have the privileges of an individual. They figure since it’s just a bit of tissue that the mother is lodging, that she has the option to dispose of it on the off chance that she picks. Others contend that the embryo is something beyond tissue and that it ought to have in distinguishable rights from the lady. They feel that the baby is only a stage during the time spent turning into an individual and that life happens at origination. In the article â€Å"Nine Reasons†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Israel Steinmetz and Planned Parenthood both express their perspectives on a similar theme. Arranged Parenthood contends that the lady is something other than her hatchling and that she has the privilege to pick. They are stating that giving an embryo the privileges of an absolutely real individual isn't right and that the fetus’ rights don't supplant those of the lady. The Supreme Court upheld this announcement on January 22, 1973 when they gave ladies the option to control their regenerative decisions. (Premature birth) The Supreme Court concluded that just in the third trimester, where the infant is supposed to be â€Å"viable†, does the court need to think about the privileges of the unborn youngster. In simultaneousness with my previous exploration, Steinmetz likewise contends that the embryo is something beyond bit of tissue and a person’s hereditary cosmetics occurs at origination. He accepts that in the principal trimester the infant isn't yet â€Å"fully developed†yet has a little cerebrum and can feel torment and vibration; hence it is a person. In Missouri they additionally hold fast to the conviction that life occurs at origination and unborn youngsters have protectable government assistance throughout everyday life and wellbeing. (Premature birth) The following inquiry that emerges is that whether premature birth s are ethically off-base. Numerous individuals assume since the law permits it that it must be ethically right, however I for one believe that numerous individuals essentially don’t consider the current issue. Being ethically off-base or compose returns into the conversation of the whether the embryo is an individual. Obviously if the embryo is a person it would be ethically off-base to prematurely end it since that would be considered as ending an actual existence. Then again on the off chance that it isn’t viewed as a person, at that point for what reason would it matter if the mother decides to have a fetus removal? John O’Connor brings up â€Å"there are three sorts of individuals that believe premature birth to be worthy and good: (1) the individuals who accept that since the hatchling isn't yet completely created it doesn't accomplish the status of a human until birth; (2) those that accept that since the law licenses it that it is ethically satisfactory and (3) the individuals who just don’t consider the subject at all.†He sees these perspectives yet at the same time thinks about the basic reason for fetus removal: that it kills babies within their mother’s belly. (Fetus removal) Some would contend that premature births ought not be viewed as an ethical choice not to mention shameless, in light of the fact that the individual considering the methodology is settling on their choice on how it will later i nfluence their lives. There are various reasons that premature births are happening whether it be on the grounds that she is an ill-equipped high school mother or a casualty or spouse or sweetheart weight. Premature birth rights activists accept that fetus removal is a decision and significant right that ladies ought to have the option to straightforwardly consider. Genius decision advocates accept that reserving the option to decide to have a premature birth should eventually ban the privileges of an embryo. As said before the Supreme Court expressed that it just considersâ the right of the embryo when it is feasible, however when precisely do you adhere to a meaningful boundary on practicality? In the event that an individual was on a kidney machine, that individual would not, at this point be reasonable. Another case of reasonability would be straightforwardly during childbirth, you can make due all alone yet whenever left alone you will kick the bucket, which at last implies that you are not practical. (Against Abortionist†¦) So if the Supreme Court possibly considers the fetus’ rights when it is practical wouldn’t that imply that our privileges would not be con sidered until we were old enough to make due all alone? With such an excess of being said the inquiry despite everything stands whether premature birth is viewed as unethical or ethically right. Another inquiry, which I think the most significant, is whether premature birth is ok for the mother and the embryo. Steinmetz and Planned Parenthood break down the two sides and parts of the issue. Arranged Parenthood assumes that making premature birth lawful has improved women’s wellbeing in a manner. They expressed that the accessibility of a fetus removal has reduced clinical difficulties that could have come about because of pregnancy. Steinmetz contends that Planned Parenthood’s figures show that numerous ladies had confusions due to prematurely ending their children. (Nine Reasons†¦) On a positive note, with legitimization of premature birth came the noteworthy lessening in fetus removal related passings. Before premature birth was sanctioned ladies needed to go to back-rear entryway butchers, unlawful pregnancy-finishing medications and dangerous self-fetus removal methods. Since authorization ladies have had the advantage of cutting edge clinical informat ion and gear. Despite the fact that premature birth is supposed to be protected and the danger of death has definitely diminished, there are still dangers of difficulties. You likewise need to mull over which trimester the fetus removal will happen. The more drawn out an individual holds up the, the more entanglement and more noteworthy the danger of death. Typically, since pregnancy is a characteristic procedure inside the woman’s body and on the grounds that the technique is meddlesome the body will encounter both long haul and momentary impacts. Since fetus removal was authorized premature birth advocates has made the procedure look â€Å"risk free†as opposed to depicting the genuine perspective on the issue. (Fetus removal) notwithstanding the clinical confusions come the mental and physical intricacies. Most ladies that choose to have a fetus removal have not been appropriately educated regarding all its potential dangers and entanglements. The specialists don't illuminate the patient regarding the level of agony they may encounter nor doâ they include the way that there will be mental torment and inconveniences. Extreme dying, cut of the uterus and heart failure are just a couple of the potential inconvenie nces because of premature births. Alongside those come the opportunity of always being unable to have children again and bosom malignant growth. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute in 1994 found that ladies who had premature birth expanded their odds of getting bosom malignant growth before the age of forty-five by 50% and young people younger than eighteen who had a fetus removal after eighth week or pregnancy by 800 percent. (Is Abortion Safe) These are just a portion of the physical confusions that may go with having a premature birth. With respect to mental difficulties, Post-Abortion Syndrome is known to happen. During PAS, which is a type of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, frequently happens thus to having a fetus removal. Ladies enduring PAS may encounter advancement of dietary issues; discouragement and musings of self destruction; and liquor and medication maltreatment to just name a couple. (Place of refuge) In my sentiment the psychological impacts could have an a lot more prominent impact on you than the physical ones. To wrap things up I might want to talk about the issue of a needed kid. Numerous individuals legitimize having a premature birth by saying that they aren’t ready to deal with the youngster or basically just don’t need to assume that benevolent liability. My concern with that would be that they faced the challenge of not having safe sex and knowing the results. This issue represented the issue of â€Å"an undesirable child†. Appropriation advocates have kept on argueing that an undesirable kid is a legitimate explanation behind premature birth, when truth be told no kid is undesirable there are simply unwanting guardians. Some just accept that it isn't right to carry an undesirable youngster into the world since they are increasingly powerless maltreatment and disregard. They contend that having a fetus removal takes out the hazard reprisal by kids on others because of the damaging adolescence. A definitive option in contrast to premature birth would be selection. There are numerous families that can't have children that couldn't want anything more than to have the kid that a mother needs to prematurely end. Members in the premature birth process experience various scree
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Brand Extension Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Brand Extension Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example Lavington Green Village is a domain that is principally comprised of high class people who live sumptuous lives. Subsequently, the clients for the most part request items that will improve their expectations for everyday comforts or increment their ways of life. Low class items don't affect the market since the individuals as of now have the item. This is known from the measurements taken by Clean-So Company. Auxiliary market inclines; these will be momentary value variances in the market which may keep going for just a couple of days or weeks. Under this pattern, the costs may rise or may fall. This pattern will influence the manner by which the clients see the item since; clients may sum up a cost increment to have influenced all the items in the market (Winer, 2004). Mainstream showcase pattern; under this pattern, clients are probably going to change their preferences and inclinations since the pattern is long haul. Essential market pattern; this pattern will likewise impact the clients since it goes on for a year or more. In this way, by toward the finish of one entire year the clients will have changed to different items (EconomyWatch, 2010). The market is developing since; measurements show that there has been a nonstop increment in the clients of the items every year. The populace likewise continues expanding and thus, the clients of the items continue expanding in number. The development patterns watched incorporates cyclic and exponential patterns. This is confirm by the information which shows that the quantities of clients have been expanding exponentially. A developing business sector infers an expanding request and thus; the organization will address it by expanding the yield. Qualities; the organization has three key qualities which incorporate; it has a solid showcasing unit and consequently can draw in countless clients. The organization likewise has qualified and experienced workers. Thirdly, it has the quality of being imaginative and innovative. Notwithstanding, the organization
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pre-fabricated building (classroom structure) Coursework
Pre-manufactured structure (homeroom structure) - Coursework Example Fundamentally, regardless of its relative fascination, complete pre-assembled development is present moment and it is crucial that numerous dangers and wellbeing factors are contemplated while thinking about a total secluded methodology in development of study halls. The wellbeing and dangers identified with pre-assembled homeroom development are talked about. This is an almost certain hazard in construction development over conventional strategy for study hall development. Given that the greater part of the enormous classroom’s segments are developed off-site, a ton of trust is put on the maker to build definitely what is required. A solitary mistake can be exorbitant to the whole structure. A case in model is the breakdown of a parking structure in Miami, Florida. The parking structure, in the same way as other of its sort, was created utilizing pre-assembled bars. Thusly, there was an expanded need to guarantee that the substantial bars, sections, just as floor plans required were splendidly adjusted and developed. Tragically, a catastrophe happened with one section’s floor chunks detaching and tumbling down coming about into a domino impact. In the event that such were to happen in a homeroom, the setback could be high thinking about its populace thickness. Despite the fact that the exact reason for the garage’s mi shap has not been derived, agents trust it was because of development blunders. Despite the fact that the exact reason for the episode is as yet obscure, specialists accept that it was a development mistake as opposed to a structure flaw. Ordinarily, there is a great deal of space for blunders in prefab procedure, all the more especially on appearance of pieces to the site. Zones prone to cause mistakes incorporate the connection procedure including darting together of the various segments. Also, the tight time limit required to finish the undertakings can prompt higher capability of errors in contrast with conventional on location techniques which are regularly not related with quick culmination
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Why People Arent Discussing Community Service Scholarship Essay Samples and What You Should be Doing Right Now About It
Why People Aren't Discussing Community Service Scholarship Essay Samples and What You Should be Doing Right Now About It As a customer service representative of the business, it's your duty to guide customers in best way together with provide them instructions about use of merchandise or solutions. Among other popular suggestions is to demonstrate that you put in an application for a grant out of financial need. Customer service department is among the most essential departments of the organization and customers can receive their issues resolved at customer services easily but if your customers are still suffering from assorted issues and problems, odds are you may lose valuable clients. Before you enroll, read our guide on a number of the hazards of global volunteer trips and the way to understand if it's the best option for you. If it is a frequent concept, concentrate on attempting to say it better than anyone else. Not everybody can afford superior education, and that's why some men and women elect to join the institution's scholarship program. Consider how you've changed as a consequence of assisting others. Reiterate how you changed as a consequence of your community support, why you found the work important, or the way it helped others. The very first thing you may want to do before writing any essay for this matter is to follow along with the directions. For writing your scholarship essay, the very first point is to earn a great outline. There are various letter documents and essay examples that are employed in the subject of education. You might need several scholarship essay examples as a way to succeed as they provide original ideas concerning such sort of writings. The scholarship essay examples shared here are an exceptional plan in telling you the way to compose the ideal scholarship essay. Some can argue that you need to develop a theme for your essay and write goals. Steer clear of rambling and make certain each topic contributes to the general essay. Rather than being given a prompt, you may be requested to compose an essay on the subject of your choice. The Advantages of Community Service Scholarship Essay Samples The comments part of the service report has an important function in determining customer satisfaction and contentment. Whether for a yearly report or customer file, the structure of a report is dependent largely on the sort of report and to who the report is going to be submitted to. Reports, generally speaking, are well-organized and well-structured documents aiming to offer important info on a specific issue to be examined and analyzed by a particular audience or party. They must always be accurate and clear in order to draw a clear conclusion and provide further recommendations regarding the issue. The Basic Facts of Community Service Scholarship Essay Samples For quite a few, telling a story is the simplest and best method to compose a scholarship essay. After all, you're speaking about yourself. Write an anecdote, a quote, an intriguing fact or a story from your private life to illustrate what you will write about later on. There's no ideal recipe for writing an essay, but there are a few ingredients that you're able to add to make it even more appealing. In a nutshell, the meat of the essay was not there. You won't have the ability to compose an outstanding essay in case you don't devote your soul to it. Unfortunately, my story isn't one of a type. There are various ways to begin an essay and all you have to do is to use one that can supply the most positive impact to the individuals who will review your scholarship essay. Having us to address any of the issues which you may face when coming up with scholarship essay topics will be advisable for you. If you're asking for a scholarship, odds are you're likely to should compose an essay. For instance, if you're asking for a general academic scholarship, you may want to speak about a particular class you took that really piqued your interest or inspired your present academic and career objectives.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Fast Food is Bad For Humans and Other Living Things Essay
â€Å"Grab and Go!†shimmer windows of many fast food restaurants in the new XXI century. â€Å"It is really comfortable and it saves time†, my old neighbor whispers to me as a secret. â€Å"Today is my birthday! Let’s go to McDonalds and order cheese hamburgers and fries!†– My niece is screaming with delight in her face. Finally, really big hamburger appears in TV screen during commercial and looking juicy with fresh green salads forcing every one of us to feel hungry. However, fast food restaurants serve not only food lacking of vitamins and nonnutritive value, but also are responsible for endangered species, biodiversity reduction, worsening human’s health, and risk to run out of natural food and medicine sources that can lead to human’s extinction.†¦show more content†¦So, agriculture has to do with that fact: Fast food chains serve the same food over the world. That means they serve the same French fries made from the same type of potatoes and the same salads made from the same type of lettuce and tomatoes in every country. Fats food chains move into countries where the fast food ingredients are quite different from traditional local ingredients. Local farmers abandon their traditional crops and try to grow food needed for the very limited international menus. This reduces diversity of local crops (Hiramoto 35-37) In September of this year in New York Times appeared a new article that demonstrated the fact that was observed by long year pediatrician Dr. Michalis Stagourakis. He stated that there is ratio between bad diet and maladies as sniffles, and stomachaches that â€Å"are interspersed with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol†. Bad diet resources were described as places were children could buy fast food: pizza parlor, vending machines and other shops supplying ju nk food (ROSENTHAL ). Tendency to obesity eating fast food was proven by many experiments. For example, Indian experts propose, there is ratio between growing malnutrition and obesity. According that normal humans diet was changed into â€Å"fast diet†, some changes in humans body was observed (Chatterjee 1948). The same fact was proven by American experts. Data from a nationally representative survey shown that fastShow MoreRelatedA Debate Between Organic Foods And Non Organic Food1689 Words  | 7 PagesOver the last few years, there are many things have changed such as, technology, agriculture and many more things. Technology is getting better and better day by day for humans need and survivenment, but one thing is that human will never be able survive without food. Food comes from farms and animals. There are many ways for farming like organic farming, conventional farming, commercial farming, multi-crop farming, factory farming and many more other technique of it. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Writing Skills Inventory Of English 219 - 991 Words
This past semester I have been taking English 219 which is formally known as essay composition and critical reading. In this class we have focussed mainly on analytical reading, writing summaries, and writing essays. Not only did we discuss how to successfully write an essay we also learned about different tools and techniques that can be used to help discover our position in regards to a topic and many different ways to overcome writers block. There have been many things that I feel I have learned in our English 219 class this semester. Even though I am very happy with the amount of learning I have completed I do still however have some areas that I need to focus on. I will be taking more English classes throughout my college and university education. In English 219 is has been confirmed that we will all have our own individual strengths, weaknesses, and ambitions for the future. In English 219 I have really enhanced and gained many skills. Most of which I did not realize until we did the writing skills inventory. For the writing skills inventory we took a survey during the first week of classes and then again during the last week of class. The survey was very helpful in actually showing me what skills I have improved on from the beginning of the semester to now which is the end. One result from the writing skills inventory that really shocked me was a question regarding private freewriting. The question was asking if I used private freewriting as a way to understand howShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper Illiteracy9348 Words  | 38 Pagesstrategies of moving students from frustration level to an independent level of reading, thereby placing students in a state of readiness for the level of work at secondary school. Significance of the Study: This study will be significant to English teachers as well as all other teachers and principals. It will also be significant to curriculum officers as well as parents. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essay on Leadership
Question: Write an essay on theLeadership. Answer: Introduction Enron was a US company that was formed in the year 1986. The company was the result of the merge of the two natural gas companies namely the Houston natural Gas and the Internorth. The name of the chairman of the board was Ken Lay and the name of the CEO was Jeff Skilling. However, the company failed when the market lost confidence. The company however, indulged into some illegal practices where the company used to transfer the energy out of California in order to generate collapse, which in turn raised the price of power. After the energy got transferred back it was sold at a higher price (Markham, 2015). Findings The problems faced by the company are mainly related to the fact that the company failed because of the lost confidence of the market. As a result, the stock market security distorted and the loans became due, which made it impossible for the company to make new borrowings. The problems were also related to the failure of the business as it ran out of cash (Bienkowska Churchill, 2014). There were some unethical practices faced by the company that included the transfer of the power out of California, which augmented the price of the electricity. The company was one of the biggest examples of the bankruptcy case in the history of US. Discussion The types of theories of leadership that can be applied in the case study The theories of leadership, which is able to explain what happened at Enron, can be explained in the following ways: The Transformational theories of leadership The transformational theory of leadership are the procedure in which the leaders as well as the followers hoist one another to a higher level of ethics as well as motivation. The leadership expert McGregor Burns coined the term transformational. The transformational leadership offers an exclusive viewpoint, which in turn helps to assess the development of the culture at Enron. The transformational leaders at Enron were Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling. These two leaders helped to show the way that led the company to an unparalleled height that was not all easy to be achieved by any natural gas company (Avolio Yammarino, 2013). These leaders incorporated the positive intellectual values in the workers, which helped them to take risk as well as incorporate innovation. This in turn helped Enron to become the most innovative company in America. It was thus concluded that there was a more-or-less transformational leadership present in the organization of Enron that can be viewed as both an asset as well as weakness. However, the transformational leadership became a dual edge sword as the leadership was morally absent in Enron (Braun et al., 2013). Trait theory of leadership The trait theory of leadership is based on the characteristics of both successful as well as unsuccessful leaders. The Trait theory is naturally a pleasant theory. The five theories of trait have been applied in the model that includes willpower, self-possession, intellect as well as honesty and sociability (Northouse, 2015). Ethical theories of leadership This theory will mainly help to explain the missing part of leadership at Enron. The organization needs to explain that how and why a culture of self-absorption emerged within Enron. The ethical leadership is that leadership that is mainly directed by respect for ethical beliefs as well as values (Schaubroeck et al., 2012). The leaders identify the importance of ethical behavior. In this case, it can be seen that despite the vigorous motto of the company that includes respect, integrity as well as communication it has forecasted that values of beneficence as well as justice are not present in the company. The leadership of Enron merely did not live out the ethics that they asserted to have valued. As a result, the difference of the words as well as the action led to moral problem of leadership in the organization (Ciulla, 2013). Leadership Influence Culture Leaders have the capacity to shape the way of thinking of the individuals and the way they behave. A leadership can influence the culture of an organization and the leaders can shape the culture. Leadership can influence culture in the following ways: Communication Communication needs to be done clearly because when a person is trying to communicate, he must sound clear. If a person is not able to communicate clearly and if he sounds, unclear in that case it may sound as an unofficial communication or hearsay. This will in turn have a negative impact on the organization as well as on the culture. Every individual looks forward for a conversation that sounds clear and honest, irrespective of the fact whether it is positive or a negative conversation (Muenjohn Armstrong, 2015). Obsession Every people likes to be a part of obsession as it is communicable. As per a research, it has been told that the individual follows a leader because they have to or because they want to. Now it is up to the leader whom does they want with a gun at their back. The leaders have the capacity to motivate the people to encourage the change. As a result, the minds of the people are changes accordingly and as a result, they take the ownership that will guarantee success (The Impact of Leaders on Culture, 2012). Giving rewards Rewards is the best way to motivate the people working in the organization. If the leader wants the team members to team up and work jointly, then he needs to strengthen them by rewarding the hardworking workers. If the workers are given the rewards in the terms of promotion then the culture will outlook that meeting the requirements is the only way to succeed and this in turn will create a hierarchical culture (Jackson et al., 2013). Get associated with the organization The tire mainly hits the road when the senior leaders are removed from the front lines. These senior leaders are the one who creates culture. The leaders get the twisted sense of what is going on as most of them interrelate with the direct reports. The leaders gets all the information which are related to the fact that is going on in the frontier of the organization as well as who are the enablers as well as creditors in the organization. If there are any issues which are taking place in the organization, then the workers can opt for changing the leader. As a result, it is important to get associated in the culture. When the CEO of Enron, Ken Lay as well as his team members were disrupting by stealing from the shareholders, there were many dealers who were laughing about the fact that how Ken Lay will bankrupt the old women in order to heat their bills. The toughest part of the leadership is that often the leaders are not able to keep their words and as a result, they lose respect from the people who used to look up to them. As a result, as the part of culture it is very important to execute the promise which is made (Ferrell Ferrell, 2014). Reduce the Type of Unethical Behavior The unethical practice that was carried out in Enron was the transfer of energy out of California in order to generate collapse, which in turn raised the price of power. The unethical behavior can be avoided in seven ways: It is the duty of every organization to investigate and develop the manuscript policies. The procedures by identifying the reasons that leads to the violation of the ethics. The organization is also responsible for providing with extra protection to those employees who do not feel safe and raise ethical issues. The policies, which are developed by the organization, should be expressed in the guide of the workers. Earlier the Enron Corporation was known to be the most complicated ethics procedures in the country. In the year 2001, it was disclosed that Enron was engaged in a major deception related to accounting that in turn masquerade the poor financial health of the organization. After the declaration of bankruptcy in Enron, the copies of the ethics procedures went up to EBay (Education Week - K-12 Talent Manager, 2016). Hiring of the correct people is also very important as it is important to hire the correct people in the organization. The ethics of the organization can get affected if the wrong people gets selected or hired. In that case, it is very important to hire the right people from the beginning, which will in turn make a huge difference to the ethics of the organization. In order to avoid the unethical behavior, it is very important to conduct an interview that will help to check the background of the workers (Trevio et al., 2014). It is also significant to develop the understanding of the people. It is crucial to build a procedure that can be used by the workers if they find that the ethics are violated. The development of this process is much more important than simply giving training to the workers about how to work ethically. This procedure will help to build the understanding among the workers (Ferrell Fraedrich, 2015). In order to avoid the unethical behaviors the leaders need to speak about the significance of the policies as well as the procedures, communication and incentives. However, if the leader starts acting unethically, it will be like throwing a big stone into a pond of ethics quietly. This case is quite similar to that of the fact when an unethical person is promoted. The workers also easily recognizes those leaders who talks the talk but do not walks the walk as far as ethics are concerned. This in turn can break the trust of the workers that they have on the leaders. In order to avoid the situation these leaders need to walk the talk (A Proactive Approach to Addressing Unethical Behavior in the Workplace, 2016). It is also important to build a culture that is transparent as well as open. In order to avoid the unethical behavior, it is important to perform in such a manner that will ensure the success of the organization. This will take place when the workers who are working will be able to see and hear whatever is going on in the organization. They will also be able to stand up and speak whenever they will see anything wrong taking place in the workplace. Conclusion It can be concluded that the transformational leadership offers an exclusive viewpoint which in turn helps to assess the development of the culture at Enron. The toughest part of the leadership is that often the leaders are not able to keep their words and as a result, they lose respect from the people who used to look up to them. The workers also easily recognizes those leaders who talks the talk but do not walks the walk as far as ethics are concerned. A leadership can influence the culture of an organization and the leaders can shape the culture. It can thus be concluded that the Enron case was one of the largest bankruptcy case in the history of US. Recommendations The alternative solution to unethical behaviour is by considering the alternatives, document all the facts and also to think and talk. The leaders think and then talk that can avoid unethical behaviours. The unethical behaviours need to be unaddressed as it is illegal. At most, of the workplace, the managers or the human resource department mainly raises their voice if they face any such problems. However, in this case the manager himself is aware of the unethical situation that has taken place. Implementation It has been noted that CEO of Enron, Ken Lay as well as his team members were disrupting by stealing from the shareholders. 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